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Expert Roundup: 87 Travel Bloggers Talk With Us About COVID and Travelling

The world as we knew it has changed in the last year with COVID and it has certainly affected the way we travel. As the pandemic broke out a lot of countries closed borders making international travel more and more difficult. People working in the tourism and travel industry including ourselves and of course travel bloggers have been affected the most. With vaccine already in production and the future looking brighter we decided to reach out to bloggers and ask them for some tips about traveling during these difficult times. At this point, we need to say that we don't support irresponsible travel or actions that will put people's and communities' lives in danger. We created this guide to help people that need or want to travel to do it in a safer and more responsible way.

So, we contacted a lot of travel bloggers and asked them for some tips they have about travelling during the coronavirus. The response rate was unbelievable with over 90 bloggers replying to our request and giving us some really cool tips.

Due to the number of responses, we decided to split the answers into 4 main categories based on the patterns we have spotted. This was something really difficult because most of the answers were well rounded and overlapped categories but we decided to do it anyway because it would make the article more interesting and digestible. You can see the 4 categories in the chart below.

  1. 1. Do Your Research & Follow The Regulations
  2. 2. Travel Locally & Explore Off The Beaten Track
  3. 3. Practical Tips
  4. 4. Don't Travel
covid & travel chart

Do Your Research & Follow The Regulations

This is the category with the largest number of responses and it makes total sense. Doing your homework before travelling is something you would do even without the pandemic around. And this is true especially for travel bloggers that are all of the time on the go. So, if you consider there is a pandemic around, it makes the need for research even more necessary. On top of the things, you would have to search before the pandemic like finding a nice Airbnb or cheap flights, now you first need to look about the possible restrictions of the country you want to visit, finding some flexible tickets, see if you have to do a COVID test before you go to the airport and many more things we are going to discover below. So, let's see what the pros have told us about the research and what do you have to look for before you travel.

uncornerned market

For us, traveling during COVID-19 is about keeping ourselves, and also others, safe. And not necessarily in that order. Act responsibly and it's still possible to have fun. There's a lot to think about, that's why we devoted our last trip to all the issues and tips we found while traveling during COVID-19.


Dan Audrey

| Uncornerned Market


hey dip your toes in

It is impossible to (100%) travel safely during a pandemic. Those who choose to travel rather by choice or for work should try their best to mitigate every risk of passing on covid-19.

When travelling for work in the corporate sector, make sure your supervisor is prepared to change your flights, reimburse you for additional testing, accommodation, and food provisions if the situation on-the-ground changes.

Personal or leisure travel during a pandemic requires as much, if not more diligence and careful planning.

It's important to have the right type of travel insurance to cover any covid related issues that could arise. Travellers should also have a sufficient amount of funds in their bank account to cover changes in quarantine measures, additional covid tests, or any emergencies that could occur.

Lastly, all travellers should discard cloth masks for medical grade, N95 mask.


Eulanda & Omo

| Hey! Dip Your Toes In


the globetrotter guys

Travel during the pandemic is both a very contentious topic and also a very challenging one. The default advise of course being not to travel unless it is essential, that way hopefully we can get to normal sooner rather than later.

However, as things start to open up our key pieces of advice would be:

Stay up to date with the guidance in your country and the country you want to travel.

Be fully aware and prepared for your trip being cancelled last minute. Only book refundable trips, protected package holidays can be safer that booking just flights and hotel separately.

Respect that your trip will be different to normal and follow all the new rules, you can still have amazing experiences while keeping yourself and others safe.


Sion and Ben

| The Globetrotter Guys


the longest way home

Research is now more important than every during COVID-19 travel. PCR tests are mandatory in many countries and many airlines. Not only that but so are the types of PCR test and the timeframe that they need to be taken in. Likewise, you'll need to make sure your travel insurance covers you for everything, including COVID-19.

For over a year, small independent travel business, stores, restaurants, book shops, and guides have been suffering from zero customers. When you return to travel it's vital that you support them. In many countries they have not had any government support. So, if you purchase a guidebook, make sure it's an independently published one and not a big corporate one. Skip the generic tours and book a local one with local person. You'll feel better than your cash is going directly to the people that need it, and not a big corporation



| The longest way home


Jasmine Alley

My advice to those who want to travel during the pandemic is to travel- but travel safely. Make sure you keep following CDC guidelines, wear your mask in public when social distancing isn't possible, wash your hands, etc. But don't let the pandemic stop you from traveling! I've had people reach out with no idea that travel was even allowed right now, even though you can easily do a domestic flight or road trip.

Here are some tips I've found useful while traveling:

Keep hand wipes with you at all times in an easy-to-reach spot. I find them to be way handier than hand sanitizer, especially when it comes to wiping down surfaces, cleaning your hands after meals, etc.

If you're easing into the idea of travel, start out small and go on a road trip!

Make sure you understand the COVID restrictions for your destination. Whether you're going to the next state over, to Hawaii, or another country, each place has its own rules. Some have no testing requirements, some allow rapid tests, and others require PCR tests. Just be sure to do your research so that you don't end up stuck in quarantine instead of on vacation!



| Jasmine Alley


Travel with bender

I keep non-essential travel to a minimum at the moment in order to minimise exposure to people infected with COVID-19. Carry an extra small bottle of hand sanitiser in airports and on planes, trains and busses. It's crucial to stay up to date with the latest travel restrictions in the region you live and your desired destination. Things can change on a day-by-day basis, so never take anything for granted. Where possible keep your travel plans as flexible as possible - book hotels with a generous cancellation policy, and think twice about booking a flight... if this flight gets cancelled and you only receive a credit in return would you still use it? Sometimes it's better to have a credit on a larger airline than smaller one.



| Travel with Bender


The Boho Chica

For those of us who love traveling, 2020 has been tough, but hopefully for a majority of us, it has brought perspective around the privilege of travel. If anything, I hope it's made us more responsible travelers. For travelers who are beginning to travel now or plan their trips, I advise thinking about the ethics of traveling to your chosen destination.

  1. For leisure travel, wait until you're vaccinated so that should you contract the virus, you don't end up burdening local healthcare facilities and straining limited resources.
  2. Take a coronavirus test before your trip and each time before you get on a flight, even if it's not compulsory to do so. We all understand the dangers of spreading the virus if we're asymptomatic. We're responsible for each other and this sense of responsibility shouldn't change when you travel abroad.
  3. Before you decide to travel somewhere, do your research about the Covid numbers there, find out what steps are being taken to protect the locals who will serve you- tour guides, hotel receptionists etc, and whether locals have access to vaccines. Then, check your privilege and decide accordingly.
  4. Ensure you follow rules with respect to wearing masks, general hygiene, group activities, and social distancing, both at home, on the flight and abroad during your trip.



| The Boho Chica


Lost with purpose

One of the most impactful choices a traveler can make if traveling in COVID times is to educate themselves on what is and is not risky.

Outdoors activities away from crowded places? Safe, go for it!

Walking around a quiet museum with a mask requirement? Reasonably safe.

Eating inside a busy restaurant? Massive risk, definitely a no.

Travel is a very different world now, and it requires more responsible decisions on everyone's part. It's up to you to do what you can to minimize risk and do what you can to protect the people around you.



| Lost with purpose / Instagram


adventure travellers

The biggest tip I can give your readers is to, "Plan early". This summer is going to be packed with people trying to escape and be outdoors. The State and National Parks are going to be at full capacity, so planning an outdoor trip now is of importance. We rent our RV when we are not using it, through peer-to-peer rental companies and we know that many of the RV parks are already stating, "no vacancy" for the summer months since they are already sold out.

Rent your RV now at www.TheAdventureTravelers.com/rent-an-rv and then find a RV park nearby and book that as soon as possible.

Also, plan your hikes and get to the trailhead early (or do an evening hike) because the trails are going to be packed too and no one likes hiking up steep inclines with a mask on.



| The Adventure Travellers


Wanderlust Story Tellers

The obvious tips are to stay away from the zones with high rate of pandemic cases, so that you will not get stuck for the unwanted and forced relaxation of the quarantine. This, although necessary exercise, will affect not only your budget, it may also disrupt the flow of your work back at home.


Jolene and Andrzej

| Wanderlust Story Tellers



When husband and wife team Sue Brattle and Colin Simpson went to Hong Kong to work in 2015, they couldn't have known they'd be heading for home in the UK in the middle of a pandemic. Sue says: "We are now in Portugal, waiting to get back to our home in England. We left Hong Kong in October 2020, flying on near-empty airplanes from Hong Kong to Heathrow, then Heathrow to Faro in the Algarve. Hong Kong airport was deserted and mostly shut, Heathrow was a little busier, and Faro was almost dead. Our hotels along the way varied enormously in their approach to the coronavirus."

So, our advice to anyone who needs to travel right now is to contact people who have done so, whether on Facebook pages or through travel agencies, TripAdvisor, your embassy website and so on. The situation is changing so quickly, almost all information is immediately out of date. Stay safe and stick to the rules b not only can you now face huge fines or even prison, but you're putting others in danger. And let's concentrate on how good it will feel when life goes back to normal and we can all take travelling for granted again.



| Afaranwide


davids been here

Navigating this new era of travel is tricky, for sure. Because of my content creation business model, I have to travel at least once every three months, so the first order of business is seeing which countries are even open to Americans. Options are already limited, and as I'm the father of two young girls, I limit my trips to two weeks, max.

Because of that, I can only visit countries that don't require an automatic 14-day quarantine upon arrival. You run the risk of catching COVID while traveling and being stuck in that country until you recover, which is a scary thought. But luckily, every country I've visited since August of 2020--Albania, Kosovo, Brazil, and Ghana--has taken the COVID risk seriously. Masks are required almost everywhere unless you're eating, and airports like London Heathrow even stopped selling alcohol to reduce the chance of people congregating. Some places I visited in Brazil only served hot food and had huge dividers between the tables.

As a travel/food vlogger, getting kitchen footage of dishes being prepared is a big part of what I do, but understandably, many restaurants can't allow visitors in the kitchen, so that has changed how I film certain videos. But they're doing everything they can to keep people safe, which is most important.



| David Been Here


every steph

Do your research carefully before planning any trip. Check not only if the borders are open or if a PCR test is needed to enter your destination, but also what are the current restrictions in the destination. I've heard many times travelers complaining that they traveled all the way to xyz, and everything was closed. Museums, restaurants, attractions... and that's a shame. Just because a country is open, it doesn't mean it's the right time to visit it or that they are currently ready to cater to tourists. I'm currently based in Tbilisi, Georgia, and while the borders are open for Americans and Europeans (a negative PCR test result is needed), all the restaurants are closed and there's a night curfew going on! So definitely do your research carefully so you won't get disappointed.



| Everysteph



Traveling during a pandemic can be extra challenging due to international and local restrictions. Make sure you have local contacts in your destination that can provide you with first-hand knowledge of the restrictions, and of course, keep updated with the government's website so that you are sure to know their entry requirements. Travel and health insurance is also extra important these days. Make sure your travel expenses are covered in case your trip is cancelled or in the unfortunate situation that you catch COVID. Most important thing I've learned is to not book or plan anything in advance as circumstances always change.



| Luxury-Voyager


Heather on her travels

For those who are longing to get away to the sun, as soon as it's safe to do so, there are lots of bargains to be had if you book now for future travel. While we can't exactly predict the future, the signs are looking good and if you check the Covid policies of most airlines and travel companies there's very little downside. Most are offering refunds or holiday rebooking if you need to cancel due to Covid and once travel is fully opened up, there may well be pent up demand that drives up prices in the short term.



| Heather on her travels


Johnny Jet

Traveling during COVID-19 is not like traveling pre-pandemic but especially international travel. You really need to do your homework and have a backup plan in case you test positive for the virus while you're out of the country. Make sure you have insurance to cover the costs of quarantine and know the risks.



| Johnny Jet


journeys with jessica

For those wishing to travel during a pandemic, my advice would be to thoroughly research the destination you are travelling to, providing it is legal to travel at that point in time. Here in the U.K. right now people are unable to travel for leisure, but when restrictions ease this summer it will become legal again. Each country has different restrictions and measures in place, such as requiring negative covid tests and imposing strict quarantine laws upon arrival, so it's hugely important to understand the rules that each country is abiding by.

It would also be wise to keep an eye on case numbers prior to travel to your chosen country, as if there is a sudden rise in infections borders could close very quickly without warning. Make sure you book flights and accommodation with flexible cancellation terms in the event that you cannot travel, and I'd always recommend booking through a reputable travel agent for added financial protection!



| Journeys with Jessica


lash world tour

When the Covid pandemic hit globally in March, 2020 and lock-downs began, I was traveling around Turkey. I ended up staying in the country for seven months then began traveling - slowly and carefully - in the Balkan region.

Since I was already overseas, I just remained so. Considering that the USA has the absolute worst Covid response and infection/death situation in the entire world, literally every other country in the world is actually safer than the USA in terms of Covid risk. That's something for Americans to keep in mind if they're considering traveling internationally. It might well be safer to be overseas at this time than to stay Stateside.

I've continued traveling internationally through the whole pandemic thus far, while modifying my travel style in many ways to remain Covid-free. Thus far, I have not contracted the virus, probably due to my extremely careful habits.

I wrote several articles about traveling & living overseas during the pandemic. My Update on Staying Safe While Traveling in a Covid-19 World might have the best overview of overseas travel at this time. I'll be writing more articles on this topic soon.



| Lash World Tour


Live Like Its the Weekend

If you choose to travel during COVID, please make sure you're checking local regulations and safety measures before you visit so that you're not only practicing safe travel at home but in your destination. I've found the hotels that I've stayed at during COVID to be great at adjusting to the times with extra measures like temperature checks, moving dining outdoors, and requesting group reservations for facilities like gyms with more rigorous cleaning in between. However, you'll want to call ahead to ask what measures have been put in place so you can verify that they're taking all the precautions. Airbnb is also one of the best options right now for accommodation to feel extra safe. Oftentimes you don't have to interact with hosts and having a whole house to yourself and travel partners ensures you can enjoy a relaxing escape without feeling like you're endangering yourself or others.



| Live Like It's the Weekend


Love and Road

In times like these, we need to find a balance between what type of travel experience we want to have, what is safe for us, safe for people around us, and what is allowed. Before booking anything, research extensively to see how the pandemic regulations are in your place and in the destination you want to visit. Then choose the best and safest way to travel, opt for services and products offered by businesses, hotels, and restaurants that have safety and hygienic protocols, and avoid anything that might put you and others at risk.



| Love and Road & The Best of Turin


mapping megan

Currently, there are a number of countries that are imposing quarantine mandates, mask requirements, and other guidelines relating to the pandemic. It's important to research how local restrictions could impact your holiday in your planned travel destination. There may be curfews in place and certain businesses and attractions may have been forced to close. You don't want to find yourself expecting to do certain things or go to certain places, only to realize you can't.



| Mapping Megan


xpat matt

Although traveling during Covid is more expensive and difficult than during normal times, it's also an amazing, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see popular attractions for free -- especially if you're working remotely and able to spend extended periods of time away from home.

Angkor Wat in Cambodia, for example, is normally swarmed with tourists year-round. It's usually next to impossible to get the iconic sunrise photograph without fighting the crowds to find a spot. But now, during COVID, there are special deals on tickets and the park is practically deserted. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have this beautiful, ancient city all to yourself.

Similar situations are happening all over the world. The ambitious travelers who are willing to spend the time researching travel restrictions and go through the extra inconveniences of testing and quarantine are being richly rewarded with excellent deals and empty destinations.



| Xpat Matt & UpThink


Global Grasshopper

If you're thinking of traveling during the pandemic, I would say the biggest thing is to plan your trip very well. You will need to check the cancellation policies of everything you book from your flights to your accommodation and check to see if there will be cancellation fees involved. It's also definitely a good idea to take out travel insurance that will cover any sudden changes to your plans.



| Global Grasshopper


Once in a lifetime journey

Traveling during uncertain times requires more preparation than even and we strongly recommend out members from Solo Female Travelers to research the legal and health requirements beforehand to ensure they understand what is required from them in terms of testing and paperwork. We also strongly recommend them to get in touch with locals living at the destination to have a real feel for the situation on the ground; what is open and closed, what day to day life is like, how the locals feel about tourists, etc. To do that, it is best to find and join local Facebook groups.



| Once in a lifetime journey & FB Group


the planet d

Not everyone is ready to travel again, and not every country is welcoming travelers. But some destinations are looking forward to tourism opening up and with a few precautions are hoping to see travelers again soon.

Before traveling during COVID look up your country of origin's restrictions and regulations. Do you need a negative COVID test, do you need a vaccine, will you need to quarantine upon arrival? Also, check into your travel insurance. Will you be covered if there is a lockdown or if you get COVID while traveling abroad?

Also, be sure to always wear a mask, pack extra hand sanitizer, and wash your hands regularly. Follow the rules of the airport and your destination and be respectful of others. Continue to follow social distancing practices before and after your flight.

We don't recommend jumping on a plane and traveling the globe quite yet, but as countries open up and as it becomes safer if you are committed to traveling responsibly and are willing to take all the precautions to keep yourself and others safe, there is no reason we can't start getting on planes in the near future.


Dave and Deb

| ThePlanetD


helen in wanderlust

My biggest tips for travelling during Covid-19 would be to make sure you are following all the rules regarding travel, making sure that you get negative tests before you go and are taking all the necessary precautions such as wearing masks, washing your hands and sanitising your hands regularly. I would also strongly suggest that you have adequate travel insurance in the event that you should become ill or if your trip gets cancelled, being aware that most regular travel insurance policies won't cover you for Covid-19, especially if you travel against your government's advice, so you may need specialist travel insurance.



| Helen in Wanderlust


Spanish and Go

My wife (who's also the cofounder of Spanish and Go) and I have traveled between Puerto Rico, the US, and Mexico extensively over the past three months, but not without taking proper precautions.

By following the CDC's recommendations of social distancing, wearing masks in public, and not touching our faces, we've managed to stay COVID-free despite having visited six states in Mexico, and three states in the US during the pandemic. I certainly don't say this to brag, but to share that I truly believe it's possible to travel safely during the pandemic by taking care to follow the guidelines experts are suggesting to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

For us, we've taken special care to stay safe by:

  • Always using a clean mask every day
  • Not touching our faces until we're at home after thoroughly washing our hands
  • Doubling or tripling the recommended social distance of six feet between people not wearing a mask
  • Only eating at restaurants with outdoor seating
  • Always carrying sanitizing gel
  • Disinfecting our cellphones and wallets at the end of every day



| Spanish and Go


tofu traveler.

There are several countries that are open right now and making travel during a pandemic as safe as possible. I'm currently in Mexico and most tourist towns are using COVID protocols that include a limited number of people in hotels and restaurants, masks worn anywhere indoors and when entering and leaving a restaurant and temperatures checked and hand sanitizer applied as you enter. Some resorts will even sanitise your luggage when you arrive and are offering free COVID tests before you leave to help meet government requirements.



| Tofu Traveler


Travel Dudes

Traveling safely during Sars-CoV 2 times is possible as long overall infection numbers allow it. But it's important to stick accurately to the restrictions. Usually that means to keep distance to others and when there are more people together, simply wear a mask. Try to avoid bigger groups of people, especially if they don't wear masks. And it can't be bad if you wash your hands regularly.

I've traveled last summer to Berlin for a couple of days and I have been in a touristy wine region, which was relatively busy. Both was fine and not a far bigger risk than if I would have stayed at home. But the overall infection numbers allowed it and I was careful. Sure, it was not the same as usual, but it was great to get out and freshen up the mind and to get out of the daily Sars-CoV 2 routine at home.

We will see more and more people getting vaccinated in the next few weeks. This is great news, but it will be important to still stick to the restrictions, as health systems can still hit their limits if they have to cope with too many cases, no matter the age group. And the capacities should not be taken away from others who need different kind of treatments.



| Travel Dudes


travel food atlas

One of the biggest reasons to travel is to sample the authentic foods of different cultures, and so if you are going to travel during Covid you will want to ensure that it is to a place where restaurants are open. Countries have varying degrees of restrictions so be sure to check how that affects local eateries and plan accordingly.



| Travel Food Atlas


Travel Lemming

My number one tip for traveling during a pandemic is to always err on the side of caution.

It is perfectly ok to choose to delay a trip or to postpone travel until conditions are safer in your destination and your home country. You should always consider if your trip is safe, not just for you, but for the communities you will visit.

While travel brings us so much utility, it also comes with responsibilities. That is doubly true during a pandemic. You may not be afraid of covid personally, but you should still make sure to take steps to protect others. If you do choose to travel, please closely adhere to all local public health rules and guidelines, even if they are stricter than your home country's rules.



| Travel Lemming


Greece Travel Ideas

If you want to travel through the pandemic, I recommend the following tips. You should always listen to the government's advice regarding masks personal hygiene and travel restrictions. Try to get vaccinated if possible, visit places off the beaten path that are less crowded for example you can rent a car and do a road trip. Greece is a lovely country for road trips as it combines beautiful nature, amazing history, pristine beaches, and delicious food.



| Greece Travel Ideas


wanderers of the world

While there are many practical things you'll want to bear in mind when travelling during the pandemic, such as your rights to change dates of flights or hotels, or even cancel your booking if you need to, remember to also allow yourself the room to really enjoy your holiday. If you're feeling a bit anxious, why not try to do lots of things outside like long walks and picnics where you have more control over how close you are to other people? Whether you're travelling around the UK or further afield, there are so many natural beauty spots to discover - and especially once the weather starts to warm up again soon!



| Wanderers of the World


The World Travel Guy

For trip booking in the COVID era, I think it's important to look at a destination's track record after re-opening for travel. Turkey, for example, has been re-opened to international tourists since June (8 months!), and they've managed to keep that status quo ever since. However, some places like the Bahamas have a sketchy record where they've opened and then rapidly closed again, and then opened again. So, I think it's important to look at this kind of track record for a destination before booking a trip and ironing out the details.



| The World Travel Guy


World Travel Doucan

Make sure you book cancellable travel plans, including hotels, accommodation and activities where possible. You won't lose any money if you need to change or cancel your trip!

  • Rent a car instead of getting public transport and stay in an Airbnb over a hotel. Both options will help limit your contact with other people to keep you safer.
  • Have a backup destination/travel plan. Borders can close and trips can cancelled at a moment's notice. Having a plan B or even plan C will give you more confidence that your trip will go ahead.



| World Travel Doucan


The interpid guide

Choose your destination carefully. Local rules vary and are still in full force in many places which means that places of interest such as museums, landmarks, and even restaurants could still be closed. Do your research before booking to see what is still open and the rate of infection so that you're not disappointed with the lack of options of things to do once you arrive. A safer choice is to go on a road trip, visit natural parks, or mountain ranges and participate in outdoor activities which are not only beneficial for your health but will also allow you to follow social distancing rules.



| The Intrepid Guide


Travel Locally & Explore Off The Beaten Track

A thing that was vastly overlooked before COVID was travelling locally. Go to Instagram and you will see photos of popular influencers in some of the most beautiful places in the world, thousands of miles away from their homes. Now with COVID, travelling away from home is really difficult and you need to take this opportunity to discover places close to your home.

No matter where you live in the world there is an amazing place in driving distance from your home that you might don't even know that exists. There are also a lot of things that you haven't tried and you might want to try right now, like camping, exploring nature or do a road trip with an RV.

Let's see what some of the bloggers have to say.

Travel Locally

Traveling domestically or by car is probably the best way to travel at the moment. This way, you don't have to handle flight cancellations and you won't need to go through airports/airplanes. With the ever-changing travel regulations and restrictions, keeping an eye out on IATA's website and on the government's website are the best way to learn about the latest news.



| ABrokenBackpack


honey trek

We were about to board our plane to Europe, when the travel conference we were going to attend got canceled due to COVID-19. While this gave us pause, it was March 3rd and no one knew the speed and ferocity of the pandemic heading to every corner of the globe. Flights were running on time and we didn't want to waste a ticket to Europe, so we boarded. Buckled up and keeping optimistic, we mobilized Plan B and a dream we'd had for years... campervanning Eastern Europe! Within five days of landing in Berlin, we rented an Indie Campers' RV and set out on a five-country road trip...or so we thought.


Mike & Anne Howard

| Honey Trek


Authors of Ultimate Journeys for Two & Glamping Book

Emily Luxton

My recommendation for travel after coronavirus would be to consider travelling locally first, rather than heading abroad. Your home country probably has hundreds of incredible places to discover! While it was allowed, and safe, last year I travelled as much as I could in the UK and found some incredible hidden gems. A good tip is to try to find less-known places in order to avoid the crowds. For example, head to Dorset instead of Cornwall, or the Peak District instead of the Lake District.

If you do travel abroad, regularly check the latest information and travel safety advice from reputable sources. For example, the UK Government travel advice is always the most reliable source of information for British citizens travelling abroad. Keep an eye on all safety advice and information, and pay attention to any restrictions or rules in the places you visit, as these may be different to your home country.


Emily Luxton

| www.emilyluxton.co.uk & www.dorsettravelguide.com


once upon a journey

Take a look at traveling closer to home! We believe travel is still possible if you do it safely and responsible. But don't go and travel to the other side of the world if it's not necessary.

Explore the beauty of your own country. Plan that road trip you've always wanted to do, closer to home. Look at options like renting a campervan! Road trips are great fun and perfect for a socially distanced trip!


Roxanne Weijer & Maartje Hensen

| Once Upon A Journey / LGBT Blog


absolutely lucy

When the pandemic hit, I cut short my trip in South America and flew back to the UK.

I've been in the UK ever since and only took two weekend trips within England and one trip to Scotland in the summer when restrictions eased.

I have since bought a camper van which I plan to use when locking restrictions ease in the summer (hopefully).

I have no doubt I could have travelled safely during the pandemic, but for me it felt irresponsible to be promoting travelling during this time.

Choosing vanlife for post-lockdown travel is a great way to ensure I can isolate if needed and travel on my own terms without needing to rely on hotels/transport.


Solo Female Travel Blog

| Absolutely Lucy


Amateur Traveler

Like 2020, 2021 is probably a great year for camping and outdoor based travel. I would not recommend getting on a plane until you get vaccinated. Not only is there a health risk but it also risks more spread of the virus. When we do road trips we bring masks of course, hand wipes, and hand sanitizer. We still won't eat any place where dining is indoors so travel to cold weather climates is more complicated.



| Amateur Traveler


Bacon is Magic

As we're on the home stretch for vaccinations and safer travel now is the time to stay closer to home instead of traveling internationally or getting on a plane.

Staycations and small road trips to help local businesses are great ideas to rediscover our backyards and help the local economy.


Ayngelina Brogan

| Bacon is Magic


dream big travel far

Moving forward, it's clear that Coronavirus isn't going away any time soon.

That's why we decided to spend Summer 2020 converting our own campervan.

The sole aim being that we could then travel for the next 3-5 years in a way that is naturally much safer.

The plan is to drive the entire way around the world. Along the way visiting dozens of countries, without the need to mix with people anywhere near as much.

Such as through flights, buses, trains and even the use of hotels and hostels


Bradley & Cazzy

| Dream Big Travel Far


escaping abroad

For me, I normally fly maybe 50 times a year, so being in 'lock-down' in Thailand from March to December was a strange change. Domestic travel was permitted within Thailand though so I used it as a way to support small local business in the domesticmarket, and it was nice to explore my new home. I'd recommend that for anyone when domestic tourism opens up globally. For me now though? I'm off to row acrossthe atlantic this month, no quarantine required!



| Escaping Abroad



As a world wide travel blogger of Etramping, I have a few overseas trips planned in 2021- the USA, Brasil, Peru and a couple of more South America destinations. As much as I'd like to hit the road soon, I'm aware of the fact that travel restrictions will last much longer. I respect that and since safety (mine as well as others) has been always my top priority, I remain patient and flexible these days. For now I'm staying in my home country, Poland, focusing on collecting memories from Zakopane, Gdansk and Zagan.

When it comes to traveling itself,I'd feel much safer if there would be mandatory masks onboard of each aircraft and I'd see all employees wearing personal protective equipment. Also, I'd really appreciateguranteedempty seat next to me for which I am willing to pay extra as my and other people safely is my priority when flying.I'm aware that pandemic will change travel in 2021 and I really hope that airlines as well as other travel providers will focus on how to help us, travelers, feel safe and comfortable enough to travel again.



| e-tramping


footlose dev

Since COVID shook the world, the travel industry has seen some phenomenal changes. Everyone -- from seasonal tourists to full-time travellers like me -- everyone had to rethink Travel.

Where earlier I would confidently travel in public transport since COVID I haven't taken a single bus or flight. Sitting in a closed cabin with dozens of other passengers has been my biggest fear. Not sure for how long but I will prefer a road trip in my own personal car or with known friends or family over any other mode of transportation.

I have, moreover, avoided popular crowded towns since I started travelling after COVID. In the last few months, I have only been to offbeat destinations and mountains with very little population.



| FootLoose Dev


gallop around the globe

Since Covid-19 was declared a pandemic last March, I have been forced to limitmy travels to withinEngland. Even when our government lifted restrictions on overseas travel for a few months last summer, the regulations requiring UK citizens to quarantine on arrival in the country we were travelling to or upon return to the UK meant that I was unable to facilitatea trip abroad.

Instead, I swapped the hiking trails of northern Spain and Portugal for those in Shropshire (the county in which I live) and the north east of England. Although I've missedthe unfamiliar culture, language and food that foreign travel allows us to experience, I've gained abetter knowledge and greater appreciation of my home turf.



| Gallop Around the Globe


Temple Seeker

For me, the lack of international travel since March 2020 has taken its toll mentally. I had to cut my Oman trip short in March 2020 as I was there right in the middle of the outbreak. There were about 30 people on my return flight instead of 250!

Having a dog has literally kept me sane! Between U.K. lockdowns I have managed to do some local visits to some Churches and Cathedrals. But I've been in isolation most of the time due to my asthma!

The good news is that I recently received the Astra Zeneca vaccine and I will be getting my second dose within the next 12 weeks. This gives me hope that international travel will slowly start to return in summer 2021.



| Temple Seeker


Road Trip Alberta

Personally, I believe it is irresponsible to be traveling abroad for leisure right now. It's painful for me to say that - having spent so much of my last decade on the road - but now is just not the time. But I am grateful to have the beautiful Rocky Mountains as my backyard, and am enjoying exploring much closer to home with lots of road trips.



| Road Trip Alberta


het is det merckx

First of all, go look for excitement into nature. Try to find the atypical/unknown/local spots (by consulting local experts). Nature and unknown spots help you to avoid big crowds and give you still the excitement and fulfillment of unknown places. On the other, busy places are very calm right now. So, if you see the opportunity to visit that "always so busy dream destination" in a safe way, you should seize that oppertunity.



| Het Is Det Merckx



Road trips and self-catered accommodation rule during a pandemic, with the chance to stay isolated and not break lockdown guidelines. I've created a Covid packing list and Road Trip Planner & Handbook to help people make the most of the travel opportunities they do have during this difficult time.



| Inside The Travel Lab


multi curiosity

With travel restrictions keeping a lot of people from travelling between countries or even provinces or states, I think it's important to remember to respect the regional areas that you visit.

You can minimize your trips to local grocery stores while you travel by bringing as much as you can with you.If an outdoor tour leader is wearing a mask (even if they're more than two meters away), wear a mask, too, unless they say otherwise. If you order room service, don't require your server to come into your room.



| MultiCuriosity


our awesome planet

Have a Boosting Immune System protocol and routine to ensure that you can combat anything on the road. Vaccine is part of the solution and helps train your immune system to battle Covid but you have to be ready with any mutation. Travel on the offpeak like road trip on mondays and design a work from anywhere lifestyle so that you can extend your travel longer. Support local entrepreneurs and remote destinations because they need the support the most.



| Our Awesome Planet



The best tip I could give for people who want to travel this pandemic is to visit off-the-beaten destinations. Places that are less crowded and away from the city are the best destinations to visit this pandemic. Also, always wear your face mask, face shield,wash your hands regularly and practice social distancing.



| Pinoy Adventurista


Salt in our Hair

Check which destinations are safe to travel to.

Start by checking with your local government which destinations are marked as safe and check for the number of infections. Unfortunately, the advice of 'safe to travel' can change at any moment, and you will bemostly on your own expanse to get back home safely. That's why we would recommend our next tip:

Travel closer to home

Traveling doesn't need too far; it doesn't even need to be by airplane; instead, takethe car or train. Go ahead and search for the most incredible places in your own country. You might find something nearby or right acrossthe border. If there's a problem with the pandemic spreading fast, you'll be flexible to jump in the car and get home easily.



| Salt in our Hair


stop having a boring life

Keep an open mind and focus more on going to areas where you can enjoy natural attractions. Travel has become a bit more of a hassle but the airports are less crowded and where there is a will, there is a way.



| Stop Having a Boring Life


Art and Walk

During these strange covid and lockdown times the best thing to do is to go out into the nature and go hiking. It really helps my mindset to be outdoors on my own or just with my man and our dog. No risks of covid and no police fines since it's still allowed almost everywhere to go for a walk.



| Art and Walk


Travels and curiosities

The way we travel has absolutely shifted due to COVID-19. For 2020 and 2021 we have decided to focus more on local travel out in the American West where we can focus on finding more unusual and unique travel destinations and hidden gems that we can simply drive to. For us, this looks like a lot of nature destinations and road trips to secluded and off-grid locations. We even converted our 2006 Honda Element into a car camper to help maximize our travel dollars. This also allows us to have a place to camp while lessening our interaction with others.

Road trips have really spikedin popularity here in the US during COVID-19. And while it may seem safer than traveling on a crowded airplane, there are still some additional steps we take to distance ourselves from others. We minimize our interactions by packing our own food while on road trips. This lessens the need to buy things from a convenience store or gas station. We buy take-out versus in-person dining. And we try to visit places during off-peak times. When weplan trips to popular destinations like Canyonlands National Park, we get out there early, sometimes before dawn, to avoid crowds.



| Travels and Curiosities


the travel hack

For anyone wanting to travel during the pandemic I'd recommend staying fairly close to home. There's a chance that rules and restrictionscould change with just a moment's notice, meaning you may be unable to travel. If you've arranged a holiday close to home then it's easy to rearrange and you can be flexible with your dates. Rearranging a two week holiday to the other side of the world isn't easy, but rearranging a weekend break to somewhere a 2-3 hour drive from home is much easier!



| The Travel Hack


Travel Mamas

Stick to road trips! Unless you must absolutely MUST fly right now...why risk it? These unplugged road trip activities are sure to keep your family content during the drive.

Focus on nature! Choose outdoorsy destinations where social-distancing is easy to do. Think National Parks, State Parks and National Monuments.

Camping is becoming super popular now for good reason! Are you new to camping and not sure where to begin? Take a peek at our tips for what to buy for your first camping trip (and what you can borrow).

Ski resorts in summer and early fall also make a great choice with plenty of nature play like hiking, biking, and boating. Read about all the fun activities for families at Vail and Keystone ski areas off-season.

Don't forget the 6-foot rule!During our recent nature-focused vacation, my family stepped off the trails often to avoid getting too close to other hikers. Better to be inconvenienced than sorry!

Stay safe overnight!Be sure to research hotel safety measures before booking a stay. Many hotels are limiting capacity, requiring face masks in public spaces, and allowing remote check-in.I also suggest wiping down high-touch surfaces like TV remotes and light switches after checking in, no matter your accommodations.

My family felt safe at our vacation rental during our getaway. You can even sort rental listings by cleanliness when booking through VRBO. A rental property with a kitchen makes social-distanced dining convenient, too.

Be mindful!It is easy to become lulled into feeling safe while out exploring but you should remain vigilant for your family's sake, and for the sake of other travelers and locals. Of course, you must follow your destination's travel restrictions and safety precautions.




| Travel Mamas


The Travel Tart

The answer to your question is, 'it depends'. In very few places in the world, like where I live, Australia, the biggest risk of getting COVID-19 is from a hotel quarantine breach. There's also a travel ban here so we can't go overseas, but within Australia, we can go more or less where we want to and it's closer to pre-COVID conditions. So the risk for me here is low. However, with the virus running rampant in Europe and the USA, it's a much higher risk to go travelling and if I was there, I'd be avoiding travel like the plague! For me, if I wanted to escape, I'd go as far away from people as I could!



| The Travel Tart


While you stay home

I think it is time for people to travel cautiously. Many would say to not travel at all, but I'm aware that many people are going through a tough time psychologically, so If the main issue is Human contact, if you can avoid it and still travel, I can't see why not do so...

I think that people are still able to travel in their own countries, and perhaps it is time to explore our birth land. Solutions might go from renting a car, minivan, or motorbike that allows to explore in a private way and therefore avoid personal contact. It's time to connect with nature, venture to an isolated place in the forest, go for a walk in quiet and peaceful places where usually not many people gather. We can still explore the world! Maybe it's time to discover new untraveled areas near your town. This year, I discovered so many places near home that I was not aware of. If it wasn't for this pandemic, I would never get to know them. So, travel or meet new things is still possible!



| While you stay home



Stay close to home and keep away from people, especially groups that are unmasked. But that should be a given.

Once those basics are covered, here are a few more tips: these are valid in France, where I live, but situations elsewhere differ.

Plan your meals ahead of time. In France, sit-down dining is closed and you can buy snacks, but it's mostly fast food and of exceedingly poor quality. You CAN have a good meal as long as you buy from one of the few open restaurants that provide takeaway. Check with the tourist office, which usually has a list of local open eateries. Most restaurants will accept online or phone orders, so you can be guaranteed a meal when you want one. Plan your bathroom breaks. I learned this the hard way. We tend to rely on restaurants and cafés for our bathroom breaks, but with these closed, finding a bathroom becomes harder than finding food. Some villages maintain (and clean) public toilets. Others have them but don't clean them. And yet others don't have any at all. Whatever your circumstance, if you find an acceptable toilet, USE IT. You don't know when you'll come across the next one. When you check in, use your wipes. I wipe down most shiny surfaces when I arrive, including door handles, light switches and counters. Even if the host assures me this has been done, I'd rather be safe than sorry. Wear comfortable shoes. You're going to be walking a lot more than you though. With the closure of our 'traditional' rest places, outdoor cafés, you'll be relegated to the occasional available park bench, and these aren't as plentiful.



| Women on the Road


a world to travel

Give van life a try

We did so in Portugal last Fall and found this way of traveling to be particularly safe.

Once you're stocked up with food, water, gas, and electricity, you are pretty much self-sufficient for a few days while still adhering to social distancing.

In the end, we not only played by the rules but also had a blast driving from Porto to Lisbon as van life newbies!



| A world to Travel


Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler

In the past year, the year of the pandemics, I've been finally spending more time in my home country Slovakia. There's a really beautiful national park located just a few kilometers from my home town, called Poloniny. The last time I explored it was back in childhood. So I used the pandemics to travel locally as much as I can. I found a cabin in the forest owned by a friend of mine and now tend to go there regularly for a few days every month. Less people travel these days so there's days when I don't meet anyone else while hiking. How awesome is that? I can clear my head and enjoy my alone time while getting to know nature so close to my home town. Maybe you can go hiking to the places that have always been there but you took for granted until now, too.



| Crazy Sexy Fun Traveler


The Packable Life

For those looking to get out and explore during the stir-crazy era of Coronavirus, I offer some valuable advice: put on a backpack, hit the trail, and start hiking for days on end. It worked for me.

This last August, I embarked on a 32 day, 486-mile | 782 kilometer journey of the Colorado Trail. The trip, full of blissful highs and agonizing lows, proved to be one of the most awe-inspiring experiences I've ever endured. This adventure completely cured my thirst for travel, and I never even had to set foot on a train, bus, or airplane.



| The Packable Life


My Wanderlust

These uncertain times are perfect for traveling close to home and (re)discovering your own country. Usually, we don't have time to focus on closer places, chasing exotic destinations all over the world. But it doesn't mean that our own regions or country aren't interesting and now it's the best time to finally see them. You might actually be surprised how many wonders and gems you can find nearby! Traveling close to home has also another advantage: you don't need to plan in advance and then deal with the cancellations or last-minute change of plans - this peace of mind is very important in the crazy covid times.



| My Wanderlust


Practical Tips

The third category of answers is some practical tips the bloggers gave us. From wearing a mask and making sure you are not going to places that are full of people to some other really interesting things that will help you keep safe during yout travel. Keep reading to find out.

do your research
nomadic boys

Over the past year, our business has taken a huge gut punch - projects put on hold or canceled. We've more or less accepted that travel is not like it was before and trips are suspended for the short to medium term future. Nonetheless, we've had to travel during the past year because our home base is in Cyprus and we often visit London, UK and France to check up on our families. Traveling over the past year has been a lot different to say the least! The main different is mask wearing, longer queues (literally because people have to keep a 2 meters distance) and airports that feel like ghost towns! Planes are also flying at a much reduced capacity due lockdowns and we're seeing more offers for "flexible" tickets, especially with British Airways.


Stefan & Sebastien

| Nomadic Boys


scrapbook journeys

The way we travel may never be the same, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic... We can, however, prepare ourselves to travel more mindfully in these uncertain times...

Be mindful of your privilege.

As you plan to travel to different destinations, it's important to recognize and be mindful that we each have some level of privilege, then act accordingly...

Become the Minimalist Traveller

I have never felt as 'aware of myself as a person', than during this season of the pandemic. These days we have to be careful about what/who we touch and when. And if you are traveling for the first during Covid, you may a feel heightened sense of anxiety. This is normal.

Don't Feel Guilty For Being 'The Safe One'.

Depending on where you plan to go, the attitudes & beliefs about Covid-19 will be varied. Stay true to yourself and stay safe. The best you can do is to play your part in lowering the curve.

And when's all said and done, this too shall pass. Stay positive and travel safe.



| Scrapbook Journeys


practical wanderlust

Always take a COVID test before you travel, even if you're visiting somewhere that doesn't require it. You'll need to get your results before you board the plane to avoid potentially infecting anyone else.

Buy travel insurancethat covers COVID, in case you need to cancel or delay your trip. I recommend SafetyWing!

Take another COVID test once you arrive. Before you go out and start sightseeing, take a test as soon as you arrive (rapid tests will get you results fastest) and until you receive your test results, assume you're infectious and take as many precautions as possible to avoid infecting others.

Don't forget to quarantine after you take a COVID test and before you get your results! A COVID test result is meaningless if there's a chance you've contracted COVID since taking your test. I would schedule in about 72 hours before your departing flight and then again after arrival to quarantine. Once you arrive and get a negative test result, you can go out and carefully sightsee, following all local guidelines and ordinances.

Remember that wearing masks and social distancing isn't just meant to protect you - it's meant to protect others from potentially being infected. Assume that you could be carrying and spreading COVID at all times, even without realizing it! Until we've gotten to a point where herd immunity on a global scale is achieved, or there's conclusive data that someone who has already had COVID or been fully vaccinated is unlikely to be a carrier, assume you're a carrier - and that the lives of everyone you interact with is at risk.

Double mask whenever you're indoors, and wear a mask whenever you're within 10-20 feet of anyone else. It's polite and will let folks know that their safety is important to them.

Avoid eating or drinking while in transit, if you can help it - or at the very least, avoid doing it when everyone else is. The most dangerous part of a flight is when everyone takes off their masks at the same time to eat and drink. Waiting until everyone is finished is much safer. And of course, keep your mask on in between bites or sips of water.

Once you're vaccinated or have developed immunity by contracting COVID and recovering, assume that you can still carry the disease and infect others and continue to follow all recommended safety guidelines. Until herd immunity on a global scale is achieved, or there's conclusive data indicating that COVID immunity means you're unlikely to be a carrier, masking, social distancing, and a high level of cautiousness is still crucial to protect others.

Support locally-owned small businesses. Small, locally-owned businesses in tourist destinations have been hardest hit by the pandemic's impact on the tourism industry. Patronizing them will help support the local economy and aid in financial recovery! Leave some room in your suitcase for souvenirs hand-crafted by local artisans, splurge on as many meals in local restaurants as you can, book COVID-safe tours with local tour operators, and stay in a locally-owned boutique hotel, hostel, inn, or guest house.


Lia & Jeremy

| Practical Wanderlust


Life Part 2
  1. Rent a car to avoid having to use public transport.
  2. Always keep a hand sanitizer handy.
  3. Keep up to date with the latest Covid news in the area where you are travelling. Use the official sites.



| Life Part 2


Best Vegan Tours

If travel restrictions don't prevent you and it's safe to travel, I recommend planning a trip to a warm-weatherdestination. By doing so, you can ensure you avoid indoor spaces as much as possible since these destinations offer great al fresco dining options. When finding a hotel or accommodations, be sure to check the website in advance to ensure they are prioritizing guest safety by adopting enhancedsanitary regulations.



| Best Vegan Tours


A Backpackers Tale

There are a lot of great tips that can help you travel safer during this crazy time. Personally, I've only taken two tips since covid started. And stayed as safe as possible. Instead of staying inhostels, I've opted for hotel rooms. Inside of dining out on the road, I've opted for getting take away or cooking my own meals. When flying I board the plane last and keep an eye out for an empty row I can nab after take off. Also sitting by the window puts you closer to the plane ventilation system. Those are just a few simple temps to help you stay safe. Of course, the best tips are to follow your countries guidelines, don't takeunwarranted risk, and only travel when necessary.



| A Backpackers Tale


Couple Travel The World

Tip: Continued but sensible travel in the Pandemic

Travel is foreverchanged post the COVID-19 outbreak. It is a differenttype of travel than what we have known in the past but it is not impossible to travel during the pandemic. We do not know how longCOVID-19 will last so we would advise not to put life off, enjoy yourself and continue to travel sensibly. That being said, it is necessary to take precautions that you wouldn't while traveling pre COVID-19 to avoid getting sick and spreading the virus. Make sure you always wear a mask when in crowded places, pack hand sanitizer and preferably avoid eating in buffets!



| Couple Travel The World


bel around the world

Having been to the US, Costa Rica and Mexico during the pandemic, the key thing to keep in mind is to always have a mask on when in public places. Try to keep to yourself or in your travelling bubble of companions. I never travel without travel insurance, and SafetyWing is the one I got which covers any COVID-19 expenses.



| Bel Around the World


India travel blog

Travelling during COVID doesn't have to be a nightmare if you take care of a few things. I have travelled to many places during COVID and have been safe so far. My wife takes care to carry our own bathroom towels and avoid using the towels provided in the hotels. Also, we carry disinfecting spray and ensure all surfaces are double cleaned up to our satisfaction even if it is already sanitized by the hotel. We usually avoid buffet during travel since several people might have touchedthe serving plates and even the food. A-la-carte orders are usually safer since only the kitchen staff would have come in contact with the containers and serving plates. Last but not least, we always check the COVID protocols in the hotel before we book and will proceed with the reservation only if they have strict policies regarding the same.



| India Travel Blog


Inside out with Rahul Yuvi

While Travelling domestic:

  1. Please carry a handy health kit with basic PPE's primarily Face masks, Sanitizer and Faceshield besides few OTP /generic medicines like paracetamol etc. just to take care of emergencies.
  2. While it is important to take precautions but hey , let's be careful and smart while travelling but certainly not phobic in any way. Psychological fear won't let you enjoy your travel , so please follow all rules laid down by concerned authorities while travelling but be joyful and cheerful in your head like pre-pandemic times. Goes without saying, Do enjoy but maintain social distance pals.

While travelling international/Abroad:

In addition to 2 points mentioned above for domestic travel, please don't forget to go through pandemic guidelines issued by respective Government, pertaining to Visa and Stay of foreign nationals for the country you are planning to visit so that you are not caught unaware at airport immigration or otherwise. or e.g. it is mandatory for foreign nationals to carry their recent Covid Test report showing Covid negative results.


Rahul & Nishtha

| Inside out with Rahul Yuvi


The Next Trip

One added level of safety that you can do for peace of mind is to bring along a pack of disinfecting wipes everywhere you go. We use these to clean high-touch areas in our hotel rooms, our seat area on the airplane, and the controls in our rental cars. While we choose to use companies that we trust and companies that perform additional cleaning measures, it pays to have that extra safety in freshly cleaning something yourself.

Traveling to areas that have a warmer climate also helps to greatly increase your safety. This is because you can enjoy dining at a restaurant in an outdoor setting, as well as spending most of your time traveling outdoors. There are so many wonderful destinations in Greece with warm climates where you can enjoy the outdoors all year.

There are many ways you can adjust your activities while you are traveling to have a safer experience. One of our favorite things to do is to pick outdoor activities rather than going to museums. Spending time on the beach, doing water sports, or going on a hike are much safer than being in enclosed rooms with other people.



| The Next Trip


Nomad Flag

I spent a few months travelling in Bulgaria at the height of the pandemic last year so I can give you my experiences and tips

Lower your expectations. Many activities, sights, and businesses will be closed or restricted. Transport will be limited. Go with an open mind and go with the flow.

Avoid eating indoors if possible. You've got more chances of someone passing the virus to you.

Make sure you get an apartment or hotel with good wifi. You may spend longer indoors than you expected. If you travel and work, know that cafes and coworking spaces might be closed. Another reason to have good wifi in your accommodation.

Wear a mask whenever other people are around, out of respect for yourself and the country you visit.

Plan for longer airport queues and travel times. Have a backup plan in case you are refused passage.

Carry extra clothing and backups of essential equipment. Businesses are closed all over the world so it's not as easy to find what you need.



| Nomad Flag


The Restless Worker

Make sure to bring multiple masks with you, a pack of antibacterial wipes, hand sanitizer and hand lotion (for when your hands get dry from the sanitizer)! Take a look at the airplanes policy on seating arrangements for travel and if they don't have one try to book a seat either at the back of the plane or the very front, depending on where the plane loads. Also be sure to bring your own snacks and food depending on how long the flight is because meal service is limited compared to normal



| The Restless Worker


Don't Travel

This is the last category and at this point, we have to say there is something special with this one. You will read the answers from bloggers who told us their opinion on why they think people should avoid travelling, but there are more bloggers that didn't want to participate in the roundup because they think that travelling during these times is a bad idea.

We respect their choice not to participate and we have not included their info on this roundup, but we have counted their opinion on the chart above because we wanted to present a more accurate image about this sensitive subject. So, let's discover what they have to say.

Don't Travel

Don't travel right now. There are too many unknowns about this virus, and the possibility of transmitting it to at-risk people is too scary. Trust me, when I was diagnosed, the guilt of potentially having spread it to my peers nearly ate me alive. I'd never forgive myself for making them sick. Let's do our parts to stay home and stop the spread, and start planning and booking for our travels a little later.



| Free Candie


Never Ending Footsteps

I vehemently believe that people should not be travelling during COVID, so there aren't any tips that I would offer anyone, aside from: "don't".



| Never Ending Footsteps


Cheryl Howard

First and foremost, depending on where in the world you live, my advice would be to either limit your travel or not to travel at all. Until more people are vaccinated and the case numbers are down, unnecessary travelling is a highly irresponsible and unethical thing to do. Of course for people who live in more safe areas, like New Zealand for example, than naturally domestic travel is highly encouraged.

And as things are so uncertain these days and will remain that way for some time, I'd suggest booking everything as flexible as possible. So if there are last minute flight changes or cancellations, you won't incur any extra costs. Of course, I'd also recommend finding travel insurance that covers any unforeseen circumstances



| Cheryl Howard


Jet Set Citizen

With more contagious and potentially dangerous COVID variants emerging around the world, this is not a good time to travel. The risks are very low for young, healthy travellers but new variants quickly spread around the world through travel. As we've seen many times already, it only takes a few superspreader events to wreak havoc on health care systems. The faster we can get this under control, the faster normal travel will resume. With so many refusing to wear masks, all the vaccination conspiracy theories, and the high numbers of those still travelling, I'm afraid that it will be several years before this is all under control. Our current actions are all but guaranteeing new waves of the virus in the fall and winter. I hope I'm wrong, but I think we will all benefit from an abundance of caution at this point.



| Jet Set Citizen


Will Fly For Food

My best advice would be to not travel at all until vaccines have been rolled out, but if you really can't avoid it, then it's important to get a travel medical insurance policy that gives you COVID-19 protection. Aside from the obvious risks in contracting the virus, you don't want to wind up in another country's ICU footing 100% of the bill. Ouch!



| Will Fly For Food


Foto Strasse

Please don't travel during the pandemic. And if you must, wait until your place of origin AND your destination to have super low numbers of infections, deaths, incidence, etc.

This was a really long article with some great tips. We want to thank all the bloggers that participated for their insights that are going to help all of our readers. We all hope that pandemic is going to be over soon like a bad dream and things will go back to normal. but even if it takes a bit more, now you know what to do in order to travel safely and keep yourself and those around you safe.



| Foto Strasse


This was a really long article with some great tips. We want to thank all the bloggers that participated for their insights that are going to help all of our readers. We all hope that pandemic is going to be over soon like a bad dream and things will go back to normal. but even if it takes a bit more, now you know what to do in order to travel safely and keep yourself and those around you safe.

Kosmos Car Rental

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